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The image on the left originated at www.fudge.cz - foreign - visit them for strange ads and stuff.
is a great effort on the part of the advertising and design community to bring about change through the use of humor and sarcasm. Check out our small collection of their mock ads, then visit their web site for more information.
Note: We edited the Hallmark Bears (below) something fierce (there were nine more)...
Again, we have no idea who did the marvelous Photoshop® retouching on the left, but we couldn't resist coupling the photo with our favorite and most irresistable doughnut franchise...

Check out the other "Ladies we would love to see fat" click here.

In a similar vein... Fat Friends (below)

Cesar dog food (French) came up with this great campaign featuring dogs that look like their owners. The ads read, "Your dog may look like you, but he doesn't have to eat what you eat."
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(bookmark this page and e-mail me when you find funny stuff floating around on the web)
Above - Check out the poor kid in the middle.