PAGE 2: What more appropriate to accessorize duct tape fashion than duct tape accessories. Wallets, purses, belts, bookcovers... you name it, it probably has been, or can be, made with duct tape. Send us your duct tape fashion accessories.
Items from Jake’s Duct Tape Works

Colorado is home to Josh who makes some really cool stuff out of duct tape. This is a sampling of his work.

Bible Cover
(left) No, it’s not a purse, it’s Jens’ Bible cover (complete with handle). What’s a more appropriate protective cover for Word of God than Duct Tape! After all, on the eighth day, God did create duct tape!
Hear a Duct Tape Sermon click here.

Purses and Wallets Galore!
(right) Josh Belk has created a lovely line of designer duct tape bags (Unisex? We think so...)

(left) Marc C. of Tucker, GA designed this wallet. This is my second duct tape wallet design. "This one is nice and flat so you can actually sit on it comfortably." It includes a key holder and I.D. window. See Marc's engenious card table somewhere in the archives of the Duct Tape Diner.

Duck and Spam
Sarah Van H. of Poway, CA created the red purse above to go with her red Duck Tape outfit (see our fashions page 7). Notice the vintage Duck® brand logo on the purse. Below, her creative Duct Tape and Spam wallet. Nothing says "Two American Icons" like this Duct Tape and Spam wallet. (Let's hope the Spam was removed prior to assembly.)
Fancy Deluxe Duct Tape Creations
Emilie Autumn has created stuff from duct tape for ten years... here are two of her creations (chair and purse). Check out her other artsy stuff at her website:
The perfect accessory for that formal evening on the town (left) By Kenny of Sunnyvale, CA and (right) by Keith Drone of
Duct Tape Goes to Your Head
(left) Kevin, from California, created this cap to wear to the last day of school with a shirt that said, “Not Strange - Unique.” Yes it is, Kevin! Kevin also made the pocket protector, calculator holder and coin-tainer shown above.

Zach Pack
(below) Zach from Johnstown, CO made this durable backpack. All it took was two hours and one and a half rolls of Duct Tape. Nice work, Zach!

(above) 13 year old Nick made these duct tape shoes.
(left) Chris M. made a duct tape back pack for a science project, to compare his to another child's (one out of masking tape). Chris put a cup holder on his and made shoulder straps.
Guess whose pack was stronger?!

(below) Shelle T. of Jamestown, NC.
Yet another duct tape designer that warrants their own page: - click here to see Tina's stuff!
We have our doubts that he's a real doctor, but Nigel (aka Dr. K - who we met in Wasilla, AK) sure makes a mean wallet. Check out his wares by clicking the header below.
(below) Duct tape helps Zack and Jeremy G. cruise around St. Charles, MO (cool town) in their old tennis shoes converted to roller skates.
(right) Nicholas P. of Williamsport, PA made this nifty purse and wallet for his mom.
What a lucky gal!

(below) Are these your purses? Send us an email! We lost your name (sorry).

(left) Lisa C. from Arizona fashioned this stylish woven purse and star wallet.

(below) Myles uses this backpack everyday at school - he says it gets a lot of laughs. Can't figure that out - to us, it looks pretty cool! Myles also made a bunch of Duct Tape Wallets for Tsunami relief. See Myles in his Duct Tape Buy Halloween Costume here.