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This page is thanks in great part to the online sleuthing of boomer Michael Lerner (born 1956). Please visit his 70's Tour site for more nostalgia.

NOTICE: We do NOT know where to find these toys - so please don't email us asking. All we can tell you with any degree of certainty is that you might find them on EBay.

(above left) Mr. Potato Head (Hasbro 1950s)
(above right) Mr. Ed Talking Handpuppet (Mattel ©1961)
(left) Davy Crockett Coon Skin Cap (Walt Disney ©1950s)
(below left) Little Kiddles (Mattel ©1967)
(below right) Thimble City (Remco ©1965)v

Want to share your toy (or other Baby Boomer) memories? Just e-mail them with your name, city, state, and birth year. We’ll post them. Thanks!
(left) GI Joe Sea Sled & Frogman (Hasbro ©1964)
(above right) GI Joe Space Suit (Hasbro ©1966)
(below right) Johnny Eagle (Topper 1960s)
(below left) Give-A-Show Projector
(left) Silly Putty

(right) Easy Bake Oven (Kenner ©1965)

(lower left) Great Garloo (Marx 1961)

(lower right) Tickle Bee (Shaper ©1956)

Wanna see more?
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