Nothing wins loyal listeners like opportunities for participation.
Here are some listener call-in ideas that have proven successful. E-mail us your listener call-in bits that rocked!

Barney vs. Teletubbies
I work the overnight shift at KEAN 105 FM Abilene, Texas. On a Friday I posed the following question to my audience, "Which is more EVIL Barney or the Teletubbies?". Boy the house rocked all night long! I received over 200 phone calls!! The final tally was a close one, but Barney retains his title as the Prince of Darkness! --- Thanks to Robert Edmondson

(PREP HINT: Add Beanie Babies to mix and the fur will really fly! Couple it with a hilarious interview with "Dr." B. Neebascher (go to the interview briefing page for more information) and his Official Beanie Basher Handbook.)

Basketball Salaries and other Tough Questions
Why do basketball players need to have such exorbitantly high salaries? If the toilet flushes clockwise above the equator and counter clockwise below it which way does the toilet flush on the equator??? Why is it called a FINE when you have to pay money? Shouldn't it be called a NASTY?
- Get the answers to these and your own tough questions by checking out "Ask Bob." Bob Schuck - General Specialist (he knows jack about all trades)

(PREP HINT: Pose a difficult question to your listeners (one that has been submitted to Bob, or make up your own) and reward the funniest/most creative answer)

Were your listeners born between 1946 and 1964? Then you’re a BOOMER, BABY! Check out the NEW nostagia site designed and written by and for Baby Boomers! Contribute your own memories and reminisce via the contributions of others.

(PREP HINT: Great for an oldies station! Have your listeners call in with their most vivid memories of childhood food, candy, television, etc.)

Trudy's Octane Cafe Poll is up and running. Use our previous week results as a basis for your weekly call-in poll - how do your listeners stack up? for instance: Do people prefer bald guys bald or with toupee? Or, what do you want on your hamburger? (hook up with a local merchants for FREE prizes). The poll is at:

Stump the Duct Tape Guy
Have your listeners call in and try to stump the duct tape guy with problems or situations that can’t be fixed with Duct Tape and/or WD-40. Tim, the Duct Tape Guy will provide you with prizes of books and duct tape to give away to his "Stumpers." Call Tim at 651-482-0700 to arrange the bit. (click here to get an idea of the answers that Tim will be able to come up with on the fly).
Noisy Toys

I did this one around Christmas time a few years ago...
Everybody is always complaining how their kids got extremely noisy toys for Christmas. so I took calls on this shortly after the holidays. I had callers phone in with their noisy toy or gift and gave the most annoying one a prize (didn't have any at the time, but earplugs would have been good). The loudest was a steam train clock that would blow it's whistle every 15 minutes. --- Thanks to Tim Day, 93.3fm CJOK

It was a boring Sunday evening, I wanted to change that so I took a poll on your favorite Saturday morning cartoon, I received about 32 calls (I think that was a Sunday night record:}).. Callers voted for cartoons from the 50's, right to the new ones.. Rugrats was the winner.. Calls were played over the air and votes tallied in the end, no prizes to give away, but it got the phones ringing. --- Thanks to OK Radio Group Ltd.

Most Hideously Addicted to Beanie Babies Confessions
Have your listeners call in with their stories about friends or relatives hideously addicted to Beanie Babies. How much is the most any of them have paid for one of these beanbags with legs? Great preceeding an interview with “Dr.” B. Neebascher - author of the “Official Beanie Basher Handbook” (see humor interviews).

Weirdest "Old Man" Tendencies
Have your listeners call in with their stories of "Old Man" traits that they've witness in their grandpas, uncles, dads, and husbands. This is a great one for around Father's Day. Couple with an interview of Jerry Atrick, Author of "When I'm An Old Man I'll Wear Mixed Plaids" (see humor interviews).

Worst Job Hunting Stories
Have your listeners call in with their most horrific, embarrassing job hunting tails. Or worst job experiences. This call in works particularily well at graduation time when college students are entering the job market for the first time. You could even pass it off as a "Public Service" provided by your show - offering advice to graduating seniors.

Duct Tape Uses
This topic brought in the "most calls we've ever had on ANY topic!" - Bill Gross - CBS Radio.
Ask your listeners to call with their practical, wild and wacky uses for duct tape. Couple with an interview of Tim - the duct tape guy, author of the humor bestsellers "The Duct Tape Book" series (see humor interviews).

Bubble Wrap Uses
The most popular packaging material on the planet, Bubble Wrap, provides not only practical uses and obvious popping pleasure, but offers a host of other wild and wacky uses. Just ask your listeners! Couple with interview of Tim - the duct tape guy, or Joey- the Spam Guy, authors of the "The Bubble Wrap Book" (see humor interviews).

CAUTION! This bit contains ACTUAL Warnings!
Have you seen any funny/ridiculous Warning labels lately? In our litigious society warning and caution labels cover everything from lawn mowers to coffee cups, from chicken breasts to Q-tips. Some of them are absolutely hilarious. Invite your listeners to call in with their finds. Preceed or follow by interviewing one of the authors of “The Warning Label Book” (see humor interviews).

WD-40 Uses
"America's most versatile multi-purpose product" is without a doubt,WD-40. Call-ins from your listeners will provide a range of humorous uses from protecting your car from rust to easing arthritis pain. Couple this call in with an interview with Tim - the Duct Tape Guy, one of the authors of "The WD-40 Book" from Bad Dog Press (see humor interviews).

Best Telemarketer Shutdowns
There is possibly no job more annoying to the general public than that of a telemarketer. Have your listeners call in with their best, most creative, funniest telemarketer shut-downs. It’s great fun when you actually can get a telemarketer on the line (or in the studio) to take the abuse.

Boss from Hell Stories
Here's a good one for Bosses' Day or Secretary's Day. Call-in, mail-in or fax-in your worst "Boss from Hell" stories. Give the winner a nice dinner and evening on the town and send the boss from hell a coupon for a White Castle hamburger.