"We would like you to know that our friend Nick Berg, the gentleman who has beheaded in Iraq, was a huge fan of Duct tape.
Well- we were thinking about him at a memorial the other day and he often swore the best band aid was duct tape - You don't really have room for wimpy Band-Aid when you're 1500 feet up a tower on a windy day with forty pounds of tools and a hundred pound antenna you're securing. Duct tape was great at stopping the blood, according to Berg. Of course, taking it off always opened up the wound again, but who cares when you're on the ground?

Most of the gifts I got from Nick were wrapped in duct tape - whether it was a little hand made computer or a home-made alarm system.

We noticed this in his apartment the way he left if before going to Iraq - a blue cloth transformed into an American flag with duct tape."

- Nick's friend, Luke Lorenz

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