Duct Tape Diaper Legend
Jim, the Duct Tape Guy's parents used to put him in disposable diapers - the ones that say "good for 8 to 10 pounds" on the box. They'd tape around the waste band and leg holes and get 20 to 30 pounds in there...
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Above - a shower game - duct tape the diaper on the baby (doll) while blindfolded. Mom vs. Dad (mom won)
Below left -
Sunday evening...all the pet stores are closed...your puppy starts her first heat cycle unexpectedly, placing your furnishings and floorcoverings in jeopardy. Get out the duct tape!!! (It's NOT just for humans anymore...). - Terry S., Green Bay, WI,
And below right, leave Grandpa alone with baby and a dish towel and duct tape becomes a diaper.
Charles Teague's dog's toy dog had "surgery" resulting in a duct tape diaper, and a matching ensemble of helmet and arm band. "There you go, boy - chew away!"