Brainstorming and Creative Thinking Curriculum from the Duct Tape Guys

The Duct Tape Guys are pleased to provide this Brainstorming and
Creative Thinking Curriculum to educators absolutely FREE of charge.
Click here to download a pdf file of the curriculum - then feel free to copy it for use in creating your own creative geniuses!
(of course, purchasing our books for your classroom would greatly enhance this curriculum
and you can purchase the books online.
Publishing rights reserved and ©1999, 2000 by Tim Nyberg Creative, Inc., dba Octane Creative

Try out these brain-stretching puzzlers to exercise your mind!
Click Here.

You can order all four of our Duct Tape Books online for your classroom
at a discount through our web site. Just click here.

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Or, if you would like to negotiate a quantity discount (ten copies or more or each title) with The Duct Tape Guy, call 651-493-0694 and ask Tim about quantity discounts for education.

Here’s other GREAT resources for teaching Creative Thinking:
Creativity Central -
A Case of Red Herrings (book)